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October 24, 2021

Get the Free Agent Branding Checklist

What Is Branding?

Branding is the process used to build your business and to differentiate you from other agents. You can’t simply say that you work hard and care about people – all agents say that. Everything that represents your business, tangible and intangible, collectively forms your brand.

Examples of brand elements are your profile photo, website, about page, social media account, professional agent accounts, and your values, purpose, and mission – WHAT MAKES YOU DIFFERENT FROM OTHER AGENTS.

Your customers also contribute to your brand identity. Think about it. Isn’t it true that the company you keep affects how others see you? Likewise, associations have an impact on a business’s reputation.

Why You’re Not Making More Sales

Now let’s look at how branding can help you make more buyer sales and get more listings to grow your business.

In today’s market environment, consumers have an unlimited number of choices. No matter what product or service it is, there are hundreds of businesses competing for the sale.

I often ask agents why people should choose them over their competitors. They almost always give me the exact same answer: 

“We do work hard and provide great service.”

I know most agents are hard workers. And I know people want good service. But these statements won’t convince anyone to buy from you. That is because your competitors are saying these things too.

People may appear to be listening as you explain why they should buy from you. But they aren’t.

Instead, they’re sizing you up, trying to decide if you’re qualified to help them. They are also comparing you to other agents to decide who is really better.

Your prospective customers want to know who you are and can they trust you to give them the best solution for them.

As they weigh their options, these questions are running through their minds:

Does this person understand my problem?

Is this person qualified to help me solve my problem?

Are they credible? Can I trust them?

Can they negotiate the best deal for me?

Will they be there for me if I need them or will they toss me aside after I buy?

But There is More to the Buying Process You Must Consider.

People don’t want choosing an agent to be difficult. They don’t have time to research every solution. That is why they rely on Brand Signals to help them decide.

These signals serve as indicators that tell them which choice is the right one for them.

And that is exactly what they are doing when deciding on you. The signals you send them either help you get the sale or cause you to lose it.

Whether you know it or not, you are already sending signals to prospective customers. Those signals are pulling them toward you or pushing them away.

The Branding Process helps you send the right signals to prospects.

Sometimes You Just Have to Be Different

There is a whole new school that says that you have to be DIFFERENT to make an impact. If you are different – you should be true to yourself. It doesn’t matter if people Hate You or Love You – just as long as they don’t feel Eh. I have clients that do very well with this approach.

What You Can Do That Your Competitors Aren’t

Earlier, I mentioned that telling people how good you are at what you do won’t get them to buy. This is especially true for agents.

The marketplace is saturated. Sometimes, making a sale has more to do with being in the right place at the right time than being the best choice. People are no longer limited to their neighborhood to find an agent to help buying or selling their home. The Internet has opened up a world of options.

That means you must make the most of your opportunities when you get them. The businesses that are aggressive in their pursuit of new customers will win the sale most of the time.

Branding can give your business a decisive competitive advantage.

How Do I Build My Brand?

With branding, you take control of your business’s identity and its position in the market. Your position will influence how consumers see your business and how it can help them.

By building your brand, you create an identity that will attract more people to your business. This makes communicating with your target audience much easier.

You Must Be Present Everywhere

When people are looking for an agent, they start looking here:

  • Realtor.com
  • Zillow.com
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Google My Business
  • YouTube

I know you don’t like all of these sources – But this is where people looking to buy and sell homes are found. That means you have to be there as well. You can create free business accounts in all of these locations. Do it and follow the consistency rules below.

Your Presence Must Be Consistent Everywhere

Here are some examples of how branding makes your marketing more effective:

  • Use the same profile photo  everywhere
  • Use the same brand picture everywhere
  • I like photos with happy people in a home

  • Or, a lifestyle photo with unidentifiable people

  • Use a consistent bio everywhere
  • Make sure your photos and words connect with the people you actually serve
  • State your difference loudly and often

What Happens When Communicate Your Brand Effectively

When you put all your branding together and yell it across the rooftops, this is what happens –

  • Leads you get will be more qualified.
  • Your brand attracts people who want your help.
  • This means you will spend more time with interested prospects.
  • You will be better prepared to overcome buyer objections.
  • You will be more trusted justifying your fees.
  • Clear messages generate more leads and sales.
  • Communicating the right signals attracts higher quality prospects.
  • Positions you as an authority in your industry — building credibility and trust.
  • Promotes stronger relationships with customers for more repeats and referrals.

Branding reduces the perceived number of buying options available.

Now that you know how important branding is for a small business, it is time for you to take advantage of it.

Call us if you want help building your Brand.

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Agent Branding Checklist

Get the Free 

Agent Branding Checklist

Get our complete Checklist for Agents to set up their branding including:

  • List of all sites needed for an agent
  • Image sizes
  • Number of characters allowed for bios
  • Important fields to setup

Everything you need to get started and get new tips to help you build your brand.